Spend.com Caught by DropCatch99 DropCatch.com has won the sweepstakes to catch Spend.com, a domain name that was fully deleted by its former registrar, Amazon. The dom...
Atom.com: “Suspected Phishing” Warning303 I received an email from Atom.com notifying me that one of my domain names has been added to its new Sapphire Marketplace, which was an...
Macro.com Was Acquired for $600k in 2022312 In 2023, I noticed a company called Macro had announced a big funding round, and it was using Macro.com for its website. Its brand matc...
Atom.com Listing Levels Getting Confusing182 Atom.com introduced new listing levels for domain names listed for sale on its platform. Each comes with a different marketing opportun...
Unstoppable Domains Building Outbounding Tools193 Outbound marketing can be an effective way to sell domain names. It can help inform prospective buyers about a domain name being listed...
My YoY Sales were Flat – What That Could Mean255 My 2024 domain name sales were relatively flat year over year. I sold more domain names in 2024 than I sold in 2023, but it was by a sl...
25% of my 2024 Purchases Are Noncoms224 I was looking through my domain name acquisitions for 2024, and something caught my attention. Approximately 25% of my domain name acqu...